Most WG's or dorms you will live in do not have huge refrigerators
and you'll think you have gone 3adi shopping and find that its way too much to
fit in the fridge!
And not only that, a lot of things you will end up throwing up cuz
ma 7atla72o to eat everything!
I know our parents and loved ones raised us with mounds of fruits and vegetables that break your back from the door of supermarket to the door of the car to carry...but you will not have a jaish to feed here! Ma tistaghribo when I say that things are bought here buy half a bateekha..o nus khyirah..bas mafi nus Bondura :P
So bottom line tinfij3o and waste your money haha...just shop
practically :)
Also for those of you who are worried about finding Halal foods, don't be worried at all! There are Turkish mini-markets in almost every German city and you can find all of typical Arabic foods and meats including khubiz 3arabi, olives, tamir, humus, 3adas, rise, laban, most spices, and fresh vegetables and many more. Things I have not found here are labaneh (but I learned how to make it from my mom and simply made it at home!) Zaatar, kabseh spices and a few others. It is inevitable at some point that any arab will miss our wonderful arabic cuisine, but you can still enjoy many dishes here. On the other hand, you will be introduced to the german cuisine and their lovely many many types of breads, as well as other european cuisines and products. If your visiting another city and looking for a restaurant, I suggest you "qype it"( and read the ratings to guide you to your taste. Bon Apetit! Oder Guten Apetit!