Monday, December 12, 2011

CV + Portfolio

It sucks to say that they are right when they tell us to


you will have time to do them here but they are just a hassle and you are never in the mood to look at all your old projects and arrange them and bla bla bla...

PLUS there may be some documents like the Anlagen for the CV/Lebenslauf that you may need to bring with you from Amman! So it is important to prepare them before you leave...

Classes in German ?

Man oh man..what can I say?

Sorry to break it to you guys but...its almost impossible to walk out of class with full confidence of understanding.

I really really really wish that GJU prepared us better for german in our field! If I had a say, I would vote for them to at least start giving us vocab from our field majors from DEUTSCH I!

Advice: I'm actually still trying to figure out how to learn all the architectural terms in German myself. The best way I learn is watching other students in class speak and learn from them... but I would also suggest:

- list words you know you will use, translate them, and memorize them!
- watch youtube videos of lectures or anything that has to do with your field in German.
- follow german written blogs/tweets.

If you have any more ideas please add them! I think all of us GJU students could use some good advice...