Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Semester ticket

You will receive your semester transportation ticket from the IO probably on the first day of orientation which will cover all forms of public transportation in your city for the semester...usually including U-bahn, S-bahn, Buses, and Ferries.

Make sure you know when to pay for the semester ticket as to get it on time and not waste money buying daily or weekly transportation tickets.

IF you happen to have paid for a weekly/monthly ticket, and you receive your semester ticket before it is expired, you may be able to get your money back for the overlapping days/weeks you paid for in your monthly/weekly ticket from the transportation center (in Hamburg the Hamburger Verkehrverbund (HVV)).



What is Orientation week?
It is basically a week set up by the IO giving you help and guidance for settling into the city and getting ready for University. Make sure you arrive in time for it as to benefit from the generous help that is offered by the IO and the volunteer students.

If you arrive before orientation, you may be worried about doing all your paper work on your own but don't worry...either you will be assigned a "buddy" to help you and/or the IO will help you during orientation week.

HOWEVER...if you know something should be done before a certain date or you need it to be done as soon as possible, do not wait for someone to help you, go out and TRY to do it on your own (Ex. activating your bank account or getting an Anmeldungsbestaetigung). Other things like getting health insurance is a bit confusing so you can wait for someone to help you.

Usually there will be a schedule sent to you before of the orientation week content so you will know what to expect.

Do not be shy and stick to your own group. Mingle, make new friends, practice your german! (Most of the other erasmus students are on our same level of german so don't be intimidated)